New Director

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our founding director, Professor Pascale Carayon, for her leadership of WIHSE. It was Pascale’s vision to transform health care through engineering that brought forth the idea of WIHSE and, through her leadership, WIHSE officially became recognized as a UW-Madison research institute in 2017. WIHSE has had many successes including awarded grants with results that have directly impacted numerous communities and WIHSE has had a profound impact on the development of long-term interdisciplinary relationships between engineers and health care researchers and professionals. Listen to Pascale’s keynote presentation on the journey of the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS): Human Factors and Systems Engineering in Health Care ; The SEIPS Journey – YouTube. We wish Pascale all the best in the next phase of her life and look forward to hearing about what she will do next!

WIHSE is very excited to welcome Professor Nicole Werner as the new director of WIHSE. Nicole brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, and we look forward to this next year as she introduces health equity as a priority for WIHSE research. The quadruple aim has been the focus of WIHSE but, to truly achieve the quadruple aim, health equity needs to be at the foundation of all that we do. The vision of WIHSE will be updated to make health equity a priority: “The vision of WIHSE is to be recognized as a world-class research institute that transforms health care through engineering, positioning us to revolutionize healthcare by improving health equity, the patient experience, the clinician satisfaction, and population health.” This next year WIHSE will work with the executive committee and faculty affiliates to create and implement an action plan to achieve this new vision.